Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lasagna Garden Update #4

I have been having some serious issues with my garden. One entire section of my garden has begun to wilt. At least that's what it looks like. The plants, all my tomatoes, peppers, some eggplants, cucumbers and snow peas all stunted. They start out strong and then the center leaves on the stalk stop growing. The outer leaves that were previously strong turn under and shrivel but never dry up. Its the strangest thing. At first I thought I was over watering so I cut my drip system back to twice a week. That didn't change anything. The plants stayed green and the other plants that were not effected actually began to look better, so maybe I was over watering anyways. The only thing that I can think it could possibly be is that when I put down my lasagna layers I put too much hay in the beds and those layers haven't broken down all that well. So if the hay doesn't break down that would leave areas for air to flow. Air and moisture lead to mold and perhaps that mold is leading to my plants getting diseased. So I'm thinking about tearing the effected sections of the garden out, treating with some anti-fungal remedy, adding some compost and tilling the sections up. Thus removing the fungus (allegedly) and air pockets and replacing with good rich loamy soil. Not sure if this will work, but I do know that what I have going on right now isn't working either. If you have any ideas on what the problem is or what I can do to fix it, please leave me a comment. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hmm...I would have said overwatering. ha. But thats the extent of my garden knowledge. rip it up and see what happens?

love you guys! Happy mothers day! xoxo

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