Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lasagna Garden Update #3

So if it isn't snow, its rain that can slow the process of the garden. I'm beginning to wonder if this is some kind of sign not to do this garden at all. In this episode, which hopefully is a little better than the last, I'll show the garden completely cleaned out and the layout of my beds. I'll also talk about the materials that I'm using and how I came in possession of them, maybe giving you some ideas on where you can get your raw materials for yours. Thanks for watching and again I promise the next one will be better than this one!


Amy said...

ok, so I want to know, in your process of being earth conscience, will Bry use cloth diapers? Because if so I'm going to start buying some for her now. :) hehe...

Seriously, I'm totally impressed. I probably could do this on the side of my house, huh? Or do you think it won't be enough sun? hmmm...I really do love having a garden. I'm going to do some research.

Anyway, I'm super impressed and can't get over how you have morphed into a gardner, or maybe you've always been one and we didn't know about it, but either way, its super cool.

love you guys.


David Sowers said...

Amy, I don't think that Bry will be using cloth diapers. I can't handle that, unless she used a service, but then that wouldn't be in our budget. I've always been interested in gardening, my dad always had one growing up and he still does. I think you could do one on the side of your house that Brandon's lay down yard is on. Behind that cinder block wall. Lettuces, spinach and greens only need like 6 hours of sun a day so even if you don't have an area that gets full sun all day you could start with that and expand from there. Its not too late to get those seeds in the ground either. Try it and let me know how it goes!

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